| Amanda Renee Bishop |
| | Hi there, I am Amanda Renee Bishop, published playwright and aspiring fiction author. I consider myself a bit of an oddity in the writing world. I did not dream of becoming a writer as a child nor as teenager. No, if you would have asked me what I wanted to be as a child, I would have said Marine Biologist--all because of a little movie called Free Willy, (hello child of the 1980's)! However, there were some flaws in my plan as, well, I don't really like to swim, I grew up hundreds of miles from the ocean (in Nebraska), and the thought of being deep down on the ocean floor, yikes! As a teenager, I felt the Lord calling me into youth ministry and that is what I have done in one capacity or another for the past twenty years until recently transitioning out of that ministry.That brings us to the present. When I'm not writing you are likely to find me homeschooling my two children, hanging out with my hunky husband Shane, gardening, or enjoying the beauty of nature in my home state of Montana. | |
| | Visit Amanda Renee Bishop's web page: http://www.amandareneebishop.com | | Plays by Amanda Renee Bishop with Christian Publishers: | JESUS, THE UNMATCHED GIFT | OLD MACDONALD HAD A... NATIVITY?! | PEERING INTO CHRISTMAS | WHAT EASTER MEANS TO ME | |