| Script Perusal: $3.99  | Play Package: $24.99 (3 Scripts and Performance Rights) | Performance Renewal: $15.00  | Limited Video & Streaming Package: $10.00  | | Running Time: 7 scenes, 2-3 minutes per scene | Speaking Cast: 1 either, 1-7 total cast | Bible verses: John 3:19-20, John 6:63-66, Mark 11:15-18, Luke 22:1-6, Mark 14:66-72, Luke 23:13-25, John 1:4-5 |
| SCRIPT PREVIEW | | Synopsis | Count down to Easter with these short readings designed to make us look inward and examine ourselves during the Lenten season. This collection reverses the Advent observance where one additional candle is lit each Sunday. Instead, one more candle is extinguished each week. The readings center around the properties of darkness and light and their effects on our lives. Instructions are included for a triangular-shaped candle stand, symbolizing the Trinity. It holds three purple candles on each side for the six Sundays of Lent and a white Christ candle on top for Easter. Optional self-sticking mirror may be added to the stand's background to enhance the reflection of the candles and represent seeing ourselves in these readings. |
Full script, for reading only. No performance rights conveyed. Scripts and Performance Rights for 1 year. A one (1) year renewal for performances. Rights to limited recording and limited streaming/broadcasting for your production. Visit FAQs to view specific terms and conditions.