| Script: $7.00  | First Performance Royalty: $50.00  | Each Additional Performance: $50.00  | Limited Video Rights: $30.00  | Limited Streaming/Broadcast Rights: $30.00  | Extra Streams: $0.30  | | Themes: Bullying, Technology, Social Issues | Running Time: 35 minutes | Speaking Cast: 2 females, 1 male, 13 either, 16 total cast | Flexibility: doubling possible, gender flexible | ISBN: 978-1-60003-523-4 |
| SCRIPT PREVIEW PRODUCTIONS | | Synopsis | Dave, Dana and Adele are three teens with different attitudes towards technology. Dave hates cell phones. Dana loves a non-existent online boyfriend. And Adele has realized that the most expensive technology won't necessarily buy you friends. But the three have one thing in common; they are all being harassed by the same group of bullies, cyberbullies who harass the three over the phone. It is this common thread that will eventually unite the three to confront their problems together. | | Related Titles: | | A Holy Week program for children Biblical monologues for use with a wreath of thorns |
Full script. Purchase one for perusal or purchase cast copies for performance. Rights to perform the work one (1) time. Needs to be purchased with cast scripts. First performance date needed. Additional rights to perform the Work. Needs to be purchased with First Performance Royalty. Rights to limited recording for your production. Visit FAQs to view specific terms and conditions. Rights to limited streaming/broadcasting for your production. Visit FAQs to view specific terms and conditions. Available to purchase if you have purchased the Limited Streaming/Broadcast Rights. Add extra streams to your initial package (your initial package includes 100 streams.) Example: Your show had 160 total streams purchased. Your Limited Streaming/Broadcast Rights include 100 streams therefore you will need to purchase 60 Extra Streams. To purchase you will enter a quantity of 60 for Extra Streams.