| Script Perusal: $3.99  | Play Package: $24.99 (4 Scripts and Performance Rights) | Performance Renewal: $15.00  | Limited Video & Streaming Package: $10.00  | | Running Time: 5 scenes, 5-12 minutes per scene | Speaking Cast: 1 female, 1 male, 2-5 total cast | Bible verses: Revelation 11:15, Titus 2:14, Luke 2:6-7 |
| SCRIPT PREVIEW | | Synopsis | Included are monologues depicting: Story of The Messiah (George Frideric Handel), My Cousin Sebastian (Johann Sebastian Bach), Lady Huntington Salutes Charles Wesley, A Maid's Tribute to Philip Bliss , and The Story of "Silent Night" (Joseph Francis Mohr). | | Related Titles: | | The stories of five famous hymn writers in dramatic readings by an all-woman cast Five dramatizations about famous Christian hymn writers A collection of 30 monologues inspired by Christmas carols A small-cast play with music |
Full script, for reading only. No performance rights conveyed. Scripts and Performance Rights for 1 year. A one (1) year renewal for performances. Rights to limited recording and limited streaming/broadcasting for your production. Visit FAQs to view specific terms and conditions.