| Script Perusal: $3.99 | Play Package: $24.99 (5 Scripts and Performance Rights) | Performance Renewal: $15.00 | Limited Video & Streaming Package: $10.00 | | Running Time: 3 scenes, 5 minutes per scene | Speaking Cast: 2 males, 1 either, 3-7 total cast | Flexibility: doubling possible, gender flexible | Bible verses: Matthew 27:27-31, Matthew 27:37, Mark 15:26, Luke 23:38, John 19:19, Psalms 69:21, Mark 15:36 |
| SCRIPT PREVIEW | | Synopsis | These three one-of-a-kind Lenten readings focus on people who aren't mentioned when recounting the Easter story, but surely must have been involved. The individual who made the crown of thorns for Christ, the one who mixed the vinegar that he drank when he said, "I thirst," and the one who made the sign displayed on the cross, "Jesus, King of the Jews," share their thoughts as they go about their routine yet significant tasks. Each character shares a short monologue, then another character provides a counterpoint for his or her observations. Easily presented and effective with a bare stage and simple costumes and props. | | Related Titles: | | Inanimate objects tell the Easter story A poignant portrayal of mother's love for Holy Week A reading for a sunrise service |
Full script, for reading only. No performance rights conveyed. Scripts and Performance Rights for 1 year. A one (1) year renewal for performances. Rights to limited recording and limited streaming/broadcasting for your production. Visit FAQs to view specific terms and conditions.