| Script Perusal: $3.99  | Play Package: $29.99 (6 Scripts and Performance Rights) | Performance Renewal: $15.00  | Limited Video & Streaming Package: $10.00  | | Running Time: 6 scenes, 3-5 minutes per scene | Speaking Cast: 2 females, 2 males, 4-12 total cast | Bible verses: Matthew 27:54, John 19:38, Matthew 26:69-75, Matthew 27:3-5, Mark 3:31-35, John 19:26-27, Matthew 27:19, John 18:37-38, Luke 10:38-41, John 11:17-44 |
| SCRIPT PREVIEW | | Synopsis | These insightful two-person encounters demonstrate the varied reactions of key biblical figures to Christ's crucifixion. Included are: 1. The Powers That Be—Two powerful men, Joseph of Arimathea and the Centurion at the Cross, feel humbled by Jesus' impending power over death. 2. Payment Must Be Made—Peter denied him. Judas betrayed him. Only one accepts Jesus' forgiveness, 3. This Cross Has Made Us Family—Mary and John discover the depth of Jesus' words, "Woman, behold your son! John, behold your mother!" 4. Through a Mother's Eyes—Mary and "Hannah," mother of Judas, commiserate over their sons' deaths, 5. Right There in Front of Me—Pilate's wife "Julia" hopes for Jesus' resurrection while PIlate remains skeptical, 6. When We Had No Hope—Mary's emotional grieving contrasts with Martha's seeming control, but both are devastated by Jesus' death. | | Related Titles: | | A Lenten series with candle extinguishing A series of contemporary dialogs for Lent and Easter Dramatic monologs to illustrate sermons |
Full script, for reading only. No performance rights conveyed. Scripts and Performance Rights for 1 year. A one (1) year renewal for performances. Rights to limited recording and limited streaming/broadcasting for your production. Visit FAQs to view specific terms and conditions.