| Script Perusal: $3.99 | Play Package: $29.99 | | (10 Scripts, Photocopy Rights, and Performance Rights) |
| Performance Renewal: $15.00 | Limited Video & Streaming Package: $10.00 | | Running Time: 5 scenes, 5-7 minutes per scene | Speaking Cast: 1 female, 1 male, 9 either, 11-39 total cast | Flexibility: gender flexible | Bible verses: Psalms 25:16, Psalms 139, John 3:30, John 19:17, Matthew 19:19 |
| SCRIPT PREVIEW | | Synopsis | This Lenten series of five sketches cleverly integrates the familiar games we've all played and illustrates how they can unwittingly become an integral and even detrimental part of our lives. Included are: 1. Solitaire—This game of isolation may be harmful to your spiritual health, 2. Hide and Seek—Hiding from God and responsibility strips life of its meaning, 3. Follow the Leader—We're lost without a leader, but how do we know which one to follow? 4. King of the Hill—Would you do anything to get to the top? 5. Twenty Questions—Solid answers for challenging biblical questions. An appropriate hymn is suggested for each sketch. | | Related Titles: | | Contemporary skits for each Sunday of Lent A series of contemporary dialogs for Lent and Easter A Lenten series with candle extinguishing |
Full script, for reading only. No performance rights conveyed. Scripts and Performance Rights for 1 year. A one (1) year renewal for performances. Rights to limited recording and limited streaming/broadcasting for your production. Visit FAQs to view specific terms and conditions.