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Ten more dances for worship services
By: Janet Litherland
(Duration: 10 scenes, 2-4 minutes per scene; Speaking Cast: 1 either, 1-50 total cast; 
     Flexibility: gender flexible)
Let's Move is a hit of a kit for interpretive dances. Now, a sequel by demand! Ten more carefully developed interpretations of Scriptures, hymns and religious music. Includes Psalm 23, "America, the Beautiful," "Be Still, My Soul," "Come, Ye Thankful People, Come," "Lord, I Want to Be a Christian," "Lord Jesus, I Love Thee," "Praise to the Lord, the...  read more
Ten dances for worship services
By: Janet Litherland
(Duration: 10 scenes, 2-4 minutes per scene; Speaking Cast: 1 either, 1-50 total cast; 
     Flexibility: gender flexible)
Now you can use interpretive dance as another expression of your modern liturgy. This kit of detailed dance descriptions makes it easy. It offers a creative challenge to any group of dancers. Ten dance descriptions are provided to accompany Scripture readings, hymns and songs. Includes: I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes (Psalm 121), Ye Are the Salt of the Earth (Matt...  read more
A dance-drama Good Friday liturgy
By: Edgar A. Cook
(Duration: 50 minutes; Speaking Cast: 3 females, 7 males, 10 total cast)
This Good Friday liturgy is the most memorable we have witnessed anywhere. It is largely non-verbal in thrust, using interpretive dance, music and a candle ceremony to tell the Crucifixion story. Part I uses dances as "slow-motion" images providing visual accompaniment to the words of "Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?" Part II is the Office of...  read more
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