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| | | | |  | THE 'ONE ANOTHER' CHURCH | Six short sketches for Readers Theatre | By: Pamela Urfer | (Duration: 5-7 minutes; Speaking Cast: 3-9 females, 2-4 males, 5-13 total cast; Flexibility: doubling possible) | These short two-character sketches show what happens when people pretend to serve each other while really serving their own self-interest. The "Christians" portrayed here follow the Word of God in a most half-hearted way. Includes: 1.Bearing One Another's Burdens—Galatians 6:1-5, 2. Encouraging Good Works—Hebrews 10:24, 3... read more |
| |  | BETHLEHEM SPEAKS | A Christmas season service of six stories | By: Rochelle M. Pennington | (Duration: 35 minutes; Speaking Cast: 3 females, 3 males, 1-6 either, 7-12 total cast; Flexibility: doubling possible, gender flexible) | Six characters give first-person accounts of their perspectives on the birth of Jesus. Stories include: 1. Mary—Her doubts give way to joy at bearing God's son. 2. Joseph—An angel's visit convinces Joseph not to divorce Mary. 3. Innkeeper's Wife—She led them to the stable, unaware that Jesus was about to be born. 4... read more |
| |  | CAROLING, CAROLING | A collection of 30 monologues inspired by Christmas carols | By: Susan Lyttek | (Duration: 31 scenes, 2-3 minutes per scene; Speaking Cast: 1 female, 1 male, 1 either, 1-30 total cast; Flexibility: gender flexible) | This collection dramatizes familiar Christmas carols by telling stories that parallel the meanings of the songs. The monologues are structured according to three themes. 1. We Were There—Biblical characters who were affected by Christ's birth, including a Shepherd, Herod and the Innkeeper's Wife. Still We Come—Contemporary characters' responses to... read more |
| |  | CHANGED BY HIS LOVE | Six monologues of New Testament women | By: Audrey Surma | (Duration: 6 scenes, 5 minutes per scene; Speaking Cast: 1 female, 1-6 total cast) | These New Testament women tell warm and human stories that women of today can easily relate to, from the priority of tiresome household chores (Martha), to encountering the business world (Lydia and Priscilla). Each woman's "ordinary" life is transformed by the renewal of knowing Jesus. Includes: 1. Martha of Bethany; 2. Abigail and the Widow's Mite;... read more |
| |  | THE CHARACTERS OF CHRISTMAS | A monolog program about Christ's birth | By: Lois Sink | (Duration: 30-40 minutes; Speaking Cast: 3 females, 6-8 males, 2 either, 11-13 total cast; Flexibility: 1-10 extras, doubling possible, gender flexible) | This program of interwoven monologues is the perfect solution for the church that wants a stirring Advent or Christmas service with a minimum of preparation. The characters give first-person accounts of how they are affected by the birth of Jesus, with historical information about biblical customs and practices added for authenticity. Included are monologues by... read more |
| |  | CHRISTIAN HYMN WRITERS COME ALIVE | By: Mayrene Bobbitt | (Duration: 5 scenes, 5-12 minutes per scene; Speaking Cast: 1 female, 1-6 total cast) | The stories of five famous hymn writers in dramatic readings by an all-woman cast. Isaac Watts, Martin Luther, Eliza Hewitt, Fanny Crosby and John Newton - their life stories and the background lore about their most famous hymns are told in five separate readings. The mother of Issac Watts tells about her versifying son; Katherine, a patient wife, provides a... read more |
| |  | CHRISTIAN HYMN WRITERS COME ALIVE 2 | Five dramatizations about famous Christian hymn writers | By: Mayrene Bobbitt | (Duration: 5 scenes, 5-12 minutes per scene; Speaking Cast: 3 females, 3 males, 6-15 total cast; Flexibility: doubling possible, gender flexible) | This packet is a continuation of the popular series of monologues about writers of the world's best-loved hymns. Unlike the first series, this group of dramatizations allows several actors to participate - both women and men. The stories feature: Charlotte Elliot (popular gospel hymn "Just As I Am Without One Plea"), Frances Ridley Havergal ("Ever... read more |
| |  | CHRISTIAN HYMN WRITERS COME ALIVE 3 | Five more dramatizations about famous Christian hymn writers | By: Mayrene Bobbitt | (Duration: 5 scenes, 5-12 minutes per scene; Speaking Cast: 1 female, 1 male, 2-5 total cast) | Included are monologues depicting: Story of The Messiah (George Frideric Handel), My Cousin Sebastian (Johann Sebastian Bach), Lady Huntington Salutes Charles Wesley, A Maid's Tribute to Philip Bliss , and The Story of "Silent Night" (Joseph Francis Mohr). |
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