| | Pentecost Plays | | | Running Time | |
| | | | |  | THE CHURCH IS BURNING! | A one-act play for Pentecost | By: John Fairweather | (Duration: 20 minutes; Speaking Cast: 7 either, 7 total cast) | A humorous play that captures the essence of Pentecost: Spirit-transformed lives. Six disgruntled church members—Ms. Grump, Mr. Pious, Ms. Blame, Mr. Status Quo, Ms. Worry and Mr. Stingy—convene for a board meeting to discuss the future of their church. They bicker endlessly over everything: the noisy children in the service, the pastor, the lack of church... read more |
| |  | FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT | A Pentecost program for children | By: Gail Gaymer Martin | (Duration: 15 minutes; Speaking Cast: 12-23 either, 12-23 total cast; Flexibility: 1-30 extras, gender flexible) | The whole congregation enters into this children's program for Pentecost when the children give each person a piece of fruit—either a paper cutout or an actual apple. This small gift is a reminder of the Fruits of the Spirit—those wonderful character attributes that are a result of Spirit-activated lives. One by one, children display paper cutouts of different... read more |
| |  | THE GREAT FIFTY DAYS BANNER | A visual portrayal of the events from Easter to Pentecost | By: David H. Zuber | (Duration: 5-20 minutes) | Banner Kit Includes Liturgy. An excellent liturgical follow-up to The Lenten Banner. This banner carries on from where The Lenten Banner ends. Beginning on Easter, it continues for eight successive Sundays up to and including Pentecost. Its mission is to tie Easter, the Ascension and Pentecost together. It celebrates the key events which occurred during... read more |
| |  | HOLY SPIRIT CELEBRATION | A reading for Pentecost | By: Glenn Schwerdtfeger | (Duration: 20 minutes; Speaking Cast: 2 females, 2 males, 4 total cast) | Two couples may present this Scripture-based account of the events of Pentecost told in lyrical prose. Solo and unison voices describe the imagery of the wind and fire, revealing a powerful Holy Spirit who came to earth in a remarkable way and is with us still. The Spirit unifies the church "like a weaver, making one cloth form many threads" and comforts us... read more |
| |  | THE PENTECOST BANNER | A banner presentation for Pentecost Sunday | By: Linda S. Collins | (Duration: 10 minutes) | Banner Kit Includes Liturgy. Many church members do not fully understand the meaning of Pentecost. This banner program visually portrays the significance of Pentecost, both for the early church and for us today. Using symbols, the story of God's work through the Holy Spirit is historically told culminating in the establishment of the church. Performance... read more |
| |  | PENTECOST: EVERYONE'S TALKIN' | A Pentecost play for children | By: Andrea N. Burton | (Duration: 10 minutes; Speaking Cast: 3 females, 3 males, 1 either, 7 total cast; Flexibility: 0-20 extras) | Newscaster Kelly wants the scoop: Why is everyone talking about Pentecost? What exactly is it? She interviews a group of children and a lively exchange ensues over when it is, what it means and what happened on the first Pentecost with kid-friendly and humorous dialogue. Kelly listens intently but wonders, “What has any of this got to do with us today?” She soon... read more |
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