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| | | | |  | ACTS FOR GOD | 38 Dramatic Sketches | By: Howard Shirley | True confessions over lattes, making deals with God, a heavenly special operations team, an infomercial, a support group, and playing phone tag—there's something for all in this proven collection of compelling dramatic sketches. These seeker-friendly sketches don't attempt to tell the whole story. They are designed to inspire thought and even raise questions... read more |
| | | THE BEST OF THE JEREMIAH PEOPLE VOL. 1 | By: Bob Hoose | (Duration: 9 scenes, 3-5 minutes per scene; Speaking Cast: 5 females, 4 males, 9-28 total cast; Flexibility: doubling possible) | A variety pack of nine sketches full of wit and fun by the popular Jeremiah People. Guaranteed to hold everyone's attention as Christian principles in everyday situations are illustrated. Included are: 1. Who's Gonna Pray?— A church committee disagrees on praying in public. 2. Bored—Tom and Keith know what is good for their bodies... read more |
| |  | THE BIBLE ADVENTURES OF MONTANA HOLMES | A series of scenes for children | By: Bruce Hennigan | (Duration: 6 scenes, 7-8 minutes per scene; Speaking Cast: 1 female, 4 males, 3 either, 8-36 total cast; Flexibility: doubling possible, gender flexible) | This action-packed spoof of the Indiana Jones movies will delight your vacation Bible school or Sunday school children. Famed archaeologist Montana Holmes and sidekick Rollo Rotundo experience exciting and perilous escapades just like his big-screen alter ego—only Montana's adventures are set in Bible times. Includes six scenes of fantastic expeditions to: 1... read more |
| |  | CHRISTMAS NIGHT LIVE | A sketch comedy variety show | By: Kimberlee R. Mendoza | (Duration: 45-60 minutes; Speaking Cast: 3-12 females, 5-20 males, 0-20 either, 8-52 total cast; Flexibility: doubling possible, gender flexible) | Live from your hometown, it’s Christmas Night Live! Hilarious short sketches may be interspersed with a live band playing between sets. Colorful characters and zany situations add zing to the performance. The nine sketches are: Silence Your Cell Phones, Lost in Translation, Sock It to Me, Christmas Date, The “Group” Christmas Party, Budget... read more |
| |  | CROWN OF THORNS | By: James A. Killian | (Duration: 3 scenes, 5 minutes per scene; Speaking Cast: 2 males, 1 either, 3-7 total cast; Flexibility: doubling possible, gender flexible) | These three one-of-a-kind Lenten readings focus on people who aren't mentioned when recounting the Easter story, but surely must have been involved. The individual who made the crown of thorns for Christ, the one who mixed the vinegar that he drank when he said, "I thirst," and the one who made the sign displayed on the cross, "Jesus, King of the Jews," share... read more |
| |  | DAD, YOU'RE THE GREATEST! | A Father's Day program for Sunday school children | By: Ruby Welsh Wilkins | (Duration: 15-20 minutes; Speaking Cast: 7 females, 7 males, 15-30 either, 29-44 total cast; Flexibility: doubling possible, gender flexible) | Isn't it about time to celebrate dear old Dad? Use as many children as you like in this unique Father's Day program that can be part of a worship service. With songs by the junior choir and recitations by a variety of boys and girls, the importance of fathers today and throughout Bible history is told. |
| |  | FIRST CHURCH OF CONVENIENCE | A series of satirical sketches on the modern-day church | By: Robert A. Allen | (Duration: 5 scenes, 5 minutes per scene; Speaking Cast: 1 female, 2 males, 3-15 total cast; Flexibility: doubling possible, gender flexible) | No church—or its members—is perfect. Sometimes insincere attitudes sneak in and masquerade as acceptable. These sketches uncover those areas—preoccupation, nit-picking, "me first" and more. All exaggerated and in good fun, yet each contains an honest stinger. Audiences, from retreats to youth group meetings, will appreciate their wit—and their message... read more |
| |  | FIRST CHURCH OF POLITICAL CORRECTNESS | More satirical sketches on the life of a church | By: Robert A. Allen | (Duration: 5 scenes, 5 minutes per scene; Speaking Cast: 2 females, 2 males, 1 either, 5-18 total cast; Flexibility: doubling possible, gender flexible) | You laughed your way through Robert Allen's first collection of zany "First Church" happenings. Now he's back with five more tongue-in-cheek looks at churches that don't really exist. You'll recognize the well-intentioned confusion, yet you'll be challenged by the themes of spiritual growth. Includes: 1. First Church of Political Correctness—Do... read more |
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