| | Thanksgiving, New Year's | | | Running Time | |
| | | | | | FROM OLD TO NEW | A program for the new year | By: Gail Gaymer Martin | (Duration: 20 minutes; Speaking Cast: 4 females, 5 males, 9 total cast) | Humor and audience participation make this program for New Year's a real treat. It features a short drama which doesn't require memorization. Wally Whiner, Bill Bucks, Dan Dawdle and others convene at the yearly planning meeting at Somewhere Christian Church. Everyone has an excuse why there isn't time to do volunteer work in church. Then a well-timed question... read more |
| | | GIVING THANKS IS A WAY OF LIFE | A choral reading on the spirit of gratitude and thanksgiving | By: Janet Litherland | (Duration: 15 minutes; Speaking Cast: 10 either, 10 total cast; Flexibility: 1-30 extras, gender flexible) | Use this joyous group reading on Thanksgiving Day or within any Sunday worship service where the chosen theme is thanksfulness. A brightly paced expression that remembers the many things for which we can be thankful. Also a statement of how to overcome bitterness, how to find joy, and how to bring happiness to others with a spirit of gratitude. |
| | | THE RIPENING HARVEST | A liturgy for Thanksgiving Sunday | By: Marion Fairman | (Duration: 45-60 minutes; Speaking Cast: 4 either, 4 total cast; Flexibility: gender flexible) | A complete worship service for the Thanksgiving season. The hymn "Come, Ye Thankful People, Come" provides the theme. Prayers and reading comprise the three sections of the service: The Blade, The Ear, The Full Corn. Several people place an ear of corn on an altar tray, building a harvest display. |
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